Lindsay Rathbun (graduate student), Jessica O’Connell (graduate student), Nikhila Krishnan (graduate student), and Julie Manikas (postbac) all did a great job mixing with scientists and presenting their work at ASCB! Julie Manikas gave a talk to a packed room on cilia formation in the developing zebrafish embryo and the rest of the lab gave poster presentations on centrosome signaling, membrane trafficking, forces required to create a tissue, and cell division during embryogenesis. I even had a guest presenter to present my poster on PLK1 activity at the centrosome, Hehnly Lab Alumni Erica Colicino!
We also enjoyed a great dinner with collaborators and old friends! It was awesome to hang out with Julia Riley from the Castaneda lab, Hui-Fang Hung and Ana Vertii, old friends from the Doxsey Lab, and Colleen McDowell (Wisconsin).