Seminar Announcement: Adam Zaretsky, Ph.D. – BioArt & Reproductive Technology

by Heidi Hehnly in ,

Please join us for an engaging and provocative seminar by Adam Zaretsky, Ph.D. (Ionian University) as part of the Renee Crown Honors Symposium. This event is a collaboration between Boryana Rossa (VPA), Karin Nisenbaum (Philosophy),  and me, with support from the Renée Crown Honors Program Team and Director, Danielle T Smith. Please forward to whoever is interested, all are welcome!


Date: Friday, March 21st
Time: 3:00–4:00 PM
Location: Lundgren Room
Discussion & Treats to Follow


Seminar Title: Exploring BioArt – Transgenic Human Co-Creation & Germline Aesthetics


This interactive session will showcase wet lab bio art workshops designed for non-biologists, offering an unconventional perspective on reproductive technology, germline aesthetics, and transgenic human co-creation. Adam Zaretsky’s work blurs the boundaries between science and art, challenging legal, ethical, and social perspectives on embryogenesis and development as bio art. Topics will also include cryogenic storage, human colonies, and novel approaches to archiving biological expression.


Join us as we rethink the intersections of biology, creative practice, and speculative futures!

Earliest of Microscopists workshop! We start them young here at Syracuse University!

by Heidi Hehnly in ,

Dr. Aljiboury and myself offered a microscopy workshop for Syracuse students between first and third grade. They built their own microscope to take home and got to see some cool organisms up close and personal! You can never get the microscopy bug too early. Watch out world, we got some great scientists coming your way.

Reach out to me or Dr. Aljiboury with the Syracuse BioImaging Center if you would like a workshop at your school!