Check out Abbi’s awesome review titled “The centrosome-diverse functions in fertilization and development across species.”
Congrats to Jacquelin Rim, Abdalla Wael, Elijah Springer, and Jonah Da Silva on their SOURCE awards
Congrats Everyone!
We had a great BioArt Mixer in November 2023!
We had a beautiful BioArt Mixer moderated by Brice Nordquist on November 16, 2023. Our speakers were Yutaka Sho and Nina Wilson (Architecture, SU).
Congrats to Feng Lab on cool study examining FMRP and DHX9 during replication stress!
We love in the Hehnly Lab and at the SU BioImaging Center to help out with microscopy such as the sweet experiments included in this study titled “Complex interplay between FMRP and DHX9 during DNA replication stress”. Congrats all Feng Lab and all involved!