Getting through January with Hehnly Lab Paella

by Heidi Hehnly in

The end of January is improved by Lab Paella, wine, and way more cheesecake than anyone could ever eat.

Subcellular drug targeting illuminates local kinase action

by Heidi Hehnly in

Paula Bucko, a graduate student in John Scott (Pharmacology, UW), recently published an exciting study titled “Subcellular drug targeting illuminates local kinase action.” We (primarily Lindsay Rathbun, Hehnly lab graduate student and myself) were super excited to help Paula and John out with doing the zebrafish/in vivo studies featured in the paper that shows a novel chemical genetic approach to spatially and temporally inhibit the mitotic kinase PLK1.

You can read the study here and a cool digest here.

zebrafish expressing the SNAP-PACT (magenta) for centrosomal targetted PLK1 inhibition during zebrafish embryonic development.

zebrafish expressing the SNAP-PACT (magenta) for centrosomal targetted PLK1 inhibition during zebrafish embryonic development.