A Blast at ASCB/Cell Bio in DC this year

by Heidi Hehnly in , ,

Congrats to Favour and Kirsten for both presenting posters and Favour giving a selected talk on the first evening. Heidi also gave a presentation on the Bio-Art Programing at Syracuse University. Congrats everyone on the great meeting!

Favour at her poster on Mechanisms coordinating lumen and cilia formation during Left-Right Organizer development.

Congrats to Kirsten on her first ASCB! Kirsten is left, and Favour is right, standing at Kirsten’s poster on the role of Pericentrin in KV formation.

Favour getting ready to present her first seminar at an international meeting!

Heidi presenting on her and Professor Boryana Rossa’s Bio-Art Research Consortium at Syracuse University.

We had a great Bio-Art Mixer and Pop-Up Gallery show last Friday!

by Heidi Hehnly in , , , ,

Thanks to Austin Garner (SU, Biology) and Ken Rinaldo (Ohio State) for the wonderful talks about Robots, Geckos, Sea Urchins, and the intersections between Biology and Art. We have some great pieces displayed in the lounge on the 2nd floor of Biology from BioArt students Elise Krespan, Jakub Kochanowvski, and Renita Saldanha. Thanks to Hehnly Lab students Yiling Lan and Favour Ononiwu for helping Boryana Rossa and I set up the Pop-Up exhibit. The Bio-Art mixer would not be possible without the help of the Hehnly Lab, Thank you! Please come, relax in the space, and enjoy.