Congrats to Lindsay Rathbun and what a fun IZFC!

by Heidi Hehnly in , , ,

Lindsay won 3rd place at the International Zebrafish Conference (IZFC) this past week in Madison Wisconsin.  We had a great time visiting friends, learning about zebrafish, and presenting our work.  Lindsay also gave an oral presentation on her and Erica Colicino's studies testing the role of the cytokinetic bridge in lumen formation.  Great Job Lindsay! I can't wait to go next year to the IZFC! Also, my favorite conference companion Bart Hehnly Chang also had a successful flight and Madison trip!

2018 Cell Polarity Signaling Gordon Research Conference

by Heidi Hehnly in

I had a great time in Mt. Snow presenting Lindsay and Erica's study examining the cytokinetic bridge in de novo lumen formation. Both the poster session and oral presentation was fun, and I can't wait to go again. My son Bartlett had fun too and I think its time that we make it friendlier for families to bring their kids to week long meetings.  I thought this meeting was a perfect one to bring kids too, it was a nice outdoor setting with lots of stuff for my husband and son to do, which included a petting zoo/farm where I got to make a new little friend!  Lets promote young scientists by also supporting their ability to have a happy family life. Those with happy home lives and families are more able to produce great science and thats what we all want.