A great writeup on it can be found here: https://thecollege.syr.edu/news-all/news-2020/bio-art-mixer-where-art-and-sciences-meet/
Check out Syracuse Blatt Imaging Center
We have some cool scopes! Hit up the Blatt Imaging Center Manager, Mike Bates, or Heidi Hehnly (Director) for questions about use.
Welcome Andreea!
Andreea Merloiu is a senior here at Syracuse University in Bio Engineering and is working with Nikhila Krishnan on patterning zebrafish KV cells!
Congrats to Nicole Hall on her write-up about Sub-Distal Appendages!
Check out a fun write-up by Hehnly Lab undergraduate turned post-bac, Nicole Hall, about a substructure of the centrosome, sub-distal appendages contribution to cell division, ciliogenesis, and differentiation. Also importantly, Nicole is on the look out for sweet graduate programs, she is the catch of the decade for any lab who wants an excited, curious, and driven graduate student. Keep your eyes peeled for great things in the future from Nicole!
The title of her paper is: A centriole’s Subdistal appendages: contributions to cell division, ciliogenesis and differentiation
You can find it here.