The Bergstralh and Hehnly Lab Mitosis Club was super fun and held at University of Rochester yesterday. Our lab learned a bunch about cell-cell adhesions and their remodeling during division from Dan’s group. There was great stories about 3-D stem culture models, Drosophila models, and from our lab zebrafish and human tissue culture cells. We saw some beautiful STED micrographs and prelim laser ablation studies. I can’t wait for the next one! Those that attended from the Hehnly Lab were Julie, Nikhila, Heidi, Lindsay, and Jessica.
A beautiful study from the Castaneda lab!
Erica Colicino in the Hehnly Lab was excited to contribute to the Castaneda’s lab study on “ALS-Linked Mutations Affect UBQLN2 Oligomerization and Phase Separation in a Position- and Amino Acid-Dependent Manner”.
Definitely check it out!
Our 5th Bio-Art Mixer at the Everson Museum of Art
The 5th Bio-Art Mixer hosted Suzanne Anker (SVA) and John Drake (ESF) this past Friday at the Everson Museum of Art. There was live music, beer, and even a Bio-Art work station for kids! It was a really great event and I can’t wait till our next one next semester. Included are pictures below.
We have fish!
Fish are swimming merrily around in our fish facility! Go Hehnly Lab, particularly our graduate student Lindsay Rathbun for making it happen!