Bergstralh and Hehnly Mitosis Club (3rd one!)

by Heidi Hehnly in , ,

The Bergstralh and Hehnly Lab Mitosis Club was super fun and held at University of Rochester yesterday. Our lab learned a bunch about cell-cell adhesions and their remodeling during division from Dan’s group. There was great stories about 3-D stem culture models, Drosophila models, and from our lab zebrafish and human tissue culture cells. We saw some beautiful STED micrographs and prelim laser ablation studies. I can’t wait for the next one! Those that attended from the Hehnly Lab were Julie, Nikhila, Heidi, Lindsay, and Jessica.

Hehnly and Bergstralh Mitosis Club! June 2019

Hehnly and Bergstralh Mitosis Club! June 2019

Lab Dinner to Celebrate two Seniors Graduating, a summer fellowship, and two graduate students joining the lab!

by Heidi Hehnly in

Lots of awesome stuff happening in the Hehnly Lab! Michael and Julie are graduating from Syracuse University, Lindsay was awarded a summer fellowship to help support her thesis completion, Erin is going off to Graduate school in May at Duke, Nikhila is doing a rotation with us, and Abrar and Jessica have joined to do their graduate work! To celebrate we had a dinner! The menu included Steak Au Poivre, a fresh pasta dish (taken from the Herb Farm cookbook), a butter lettuce salad (also taken from the Herb Farm cookbook), bread, and chocolates and fresh fruit for desert all thanks to Mike Chang. Included below are some pictures. As always the youngest lab member, Bart Chang was present.

And we took a Lab Photo!

Left to Right, Back row: Nikhila, Jessica, Erin, Lindsay, Judy, HeidiLeft to Right, Bottom row: Michelle, Abrar, Michael, Julie

Left to Right, Back row: Nikhila, Jessica, Erin, Lindsay, Judy, Heidi

Left to Right, Bottom row: Michelle, Abrar, Michael, Julie

Our 5th Bio-Art Mixer at the Everson Museum of Art

by Heidi Hehnly in , , ,

The 5th Bio-Art Mixer hosted Suzanne Anker (SVA) and John Drake (ESF) this past Friday at the Everson Museum of Art. There was live music, beer, and even a Bio-Art work station for kids! It was a really great event and I can’t wait till our next one next semester. Included are pictures below.