Our First Bio-Art Mixer was a success!

by Heidi Hehnly in , , ,

Thanks to everyone who could make it to our first Bio-Art Mixer at Syracuse University. It was a great time and I can't wait for the next one at the Everson Museum of Art in April! More specifics to come . But for now, enjoy some of the photos. Thank you to all our presenters also, I loved hearing from Wenyi Feng (Upstate Medical School, Department of Biochemistry), Boryana Rossa (Syracuse University), and Edward Morris (Syracuse University). I also had a ton of fun presenting!

Mitosis Microsymposium with the Bergstralh Lab!

by Heidi Hehnly in ,

We had a great time traveling to Rochester (University of Rochester) where we attended a micro symposium with the Bergstralh lab.  It was great hearing about everyone's science, eating delicious donuts from Glazed and Confused, and Ramen at Butapub!

A sweet post from the Bergstralh Lab and also evidence of the delicious donuts!

A sweet post from the Bergstralh Lab and also evidence of the delicious donuts!